DetailsShire Clerk's Collection. The workman is Bob Dunn and the horse is Peggy.
For many years Hornsby Shire Council owned three horses and carts for street cleaning purposes. The last horse affectionately named Peggy was a large black draught horse with a white blaze on her nose and three white feet. Peggy was a great favourite with the people of Beecroft and Cheltenham and especially the girls from Cheltenham Girls High School. The girls often placed a school hat on Peggy's head and gave her delicacies to eat. Peggy's trusted guardian was Mr. R. I Dunn of Pennant Hills who worked with Peggy and cared for her for 14 years. Peggy died in 1971 two weeks after she was retired at the great age of 20 years. The well-loved horse was mourned widely in the southern suburbs of the Shire and an anonymous ratepayer wrote the following tribute in 'Beecroft Town' on August 18, 1971:
'Peggy the Hornsby horse I am'
A full 17 hands at least
I once was a milko's nag
But now I'm a street cleaner's beast
I'm Peggy the Hornsby horse I am.
I belong to my boss Bob Dunn.
He uses me to clean the Shire
And we have us a hoof full of fun.
I'm Peggy the Hornsby horse I am,
A favourite of Cheltenham Girls High,
The kids give me hats for my head
A panama hat but no school tie.
I'm Peggy the Hornsby horse I am.
I help clean the gutters and streets
I munch on oats when Bob has a snack
And often the kids bring me treats,
I'm Peggy the Hornsby horse I am.
We amble down Beecroft Road,
Bob fills up the cart and off we go
We're off to the tip with a load,
I'm Peggy the Hornsby horse I am.
The happiest gee in the State.
With an old school hat worn high on my head
I reckon life's just great!Date takenc 1969LocationBeecroftKeywordsHornsby Shire CouncilCouncillors and staff