Position statement on takedown requests
We are committed to the principles of freedom of expression and universal access to information and knowledge.
Responding to the ubiquity of digital technologies and enhanced community expectations for ‘anywhere, anytime’ access to information libraries, like other collecting institutions around the world, are continuing to build and deliver online collections, providing the greatest possible access to local and global communities.
In making collections available online, we act to respect jurisdictional legal considerations. However we recognise that despite best efforts there may be occasions when material made available online is considered to breach copyright or other relevant law or contains information that is culturally sensitive.
As a means of promoting a consistent response to takedown requests, we agree to take into account the following general principles:
- The broadest possible online access to collection materials will be provided.
- Permanent access restrictions, deindexing or takedown will be considered as an exceptional response.
- Requests for access restrictions, deindexing or takedown will take into account the relationship of the requestor to the material.
- Requests for access restrictions, deindexing or takedown will take into account specific jurisdictional legislation and related exemptions.
- Access restrictions or takedown of material made available online should, as far as practical, be openly acknowledged with a statement noting the takedown.
- As circumstances change, or after a period of time, online material that has been taken down, restricted or de-indexed should be reviewed and may be reinstated.
Making a takedown request
If you are concerned that you have found material on our website which you have not given permission to be made available, and/or which contravenes privacy laws, is defamatory, or is in breach of copyright law, please contact us in writing stating the following:
Your contact details.
Full description and details of the material.
The reason for your request, including (but not limited to) copyright law, privacy laws, data protection, defamation, or proof of your rights to the material, etc.
Your request should be addressed to:
Information & Local Studies Co-ordinator, Hornsby Library, 28-44 George St, Hornsby, NSW, 2777
Requests can be made via Hornsby ReCollects.
Responding to takedown requests
We will acknowledge your takedown request in writing and will make an initial assessment of the request. The material may be temporarily removed from the website until a final decision is agreed upon.
We will make all possible efforts to resolve takedown requests quickly and to the satisfaction of both parties.